Can't Login?
First, please ensure you're entering your username (which should be your email), and password correctly.
Forgotten Password
The most common reason you may not be able to login is that you've forgotten your password. Don't worry, we've got you covered.
You can easily reset your password using the Forgot my password link on the login page:
Then simply enter your registered email and we'll send you a link to reset your password.
I didn't receive the password reset email.
The email may be sitting in your junk/spam folder, or it might have been blocked by your company.
Don't have an account?
If you don't have a Wise-Sync account yet, don't worry! Contact your internal Wise-Sync administrator and ask them to create an Admin User account for you in the Wise-Sync portal!
Not using Wise-Sync yet? You can choose any one of our plans and sign up here - Register for Wise-Sync.