When Syncing Expenses > Unapproved Expense Claims are Posted
ConnectWise will send through any expenses to the Accounting Interface based on the following rules:
1. That the Expense is Approved as part of the expense approval process.
2. That the Expense is on a Ticket which is set to "Bill Unapproved Time & Expense Records"
In both cases, ConnectWise treats the expense as "Approved" and will then prepare and send the transaction regardless of whether the Expense Report has been approved in ConnectWise.
This has been confirmed by ConnectWise as being by design. There are two enhancements listed on the ConnectWise Enhancement Forum.
ConnectWise partners have two possibile work-arounds:
1. That Expense Claims are approved in line with your expense claim processes (best to do weekly) to ensure that all expense claims are approved in line with ones which are not required for approval (on a Ticket / Project).
2. That the option to "Bill Unapproved Time & Expense Records" is deselected, where you use "Time Approval".
An API Enhancement has been requested to provide further information on an Expense Status, to provide the ability for "Non-Approved" expenses are excluded from batching even when the Bill Unapproved option is enabled.