Payment Errors (GPI)- Failed Payment: Transaction Declined


  • TransactionDeclined : declined 005DECLINE
  • TransactionDeclined : declined 046DECLINE DO NOT RETRY
  • TransactionDeclined : declined 014INVLD ACCT
  • TransactionDeclined : declined 005DECLINE NEW INFO
  • TransactionDeclined : declined 059DECLINE RETRY LATER and TransactionDeclined : declined 062DECLINE RETRY LATER

How can this happen and what you can do

TransactionDeclined : declined 005DECLINE

This is a generic error that appears for a number of possible reasons. The underlying reason for the error being generic is so that, if this is an unauthorized transaction, then no other detail is provided to anyone processing this. It could be an incorrect card number, expiration date, AVS/CVV information, address or zip code information, etc.

If your payers are certain about the details that were used on the payment, then it may be best to reach out to their issuing bank to confirm why this was declined, and if we can go ahead and reprocess it. 

Once we’ve confirmed this from the payers’ issuing bank, you may then re-process the payments from your Outstanding Payments pod > search for the invoice > click Actions > Pay Invoice. 

Once the payments are successful, you can click on Mark as Resolved for these transaction errors.

TransactionDeclined : declined 046DECLINE DO NOT RETRY 

The underlying issue with the payments is a decline from the issuer which is likely a card block due to a transaction being processed by a merchant who has not processed with that card before or the account is closed. The cardholder bank is likely blocking the transaction.

You may need to reach out to your payer or the cardholder to contact their bank to release the block from the transaction being processed. 

TransactionDeclined : declined 014INVLD ACCT 
This is due to invalid card or account number. Payers must update their payment information and re-process the payment.
TransactionDeclined : declined 005DECLINE NEW INFO 
The decline message of 'NEW INFO' means that the card used is an older card and there is new info, either account number, expiration, or CVV.
TransactionDeclined : declined 059DECLINE RETRY LATER and TransactionDeclined : declined 062DECLINE RETRY LATER 

These errors are likely due to card block as well or the payer's card having some restrictions, however, they can be processed and some payments are going through successfully after retrying.

If you get the same error after retrying, you will also need to reach out to the payers to request to release the block from their bank or check with their bank why the transactions were declined. 


You will then need to follow up your customer advising them of the payment failure and process the payment manually as failed payments will not retry.  Failed payment will only retry if the network is unavailable.

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