Applies to: ConnectWise Manage
Wise-Sync GL Account Mapping Settings
While much of the typical ConnectWise Manage setup applies to Wise-Sync, there are some specific settings unique to Wise-Sync. Wise-Sync requires a four segment approach to mapping into the accounting package. The Tracking segments are used to map to Tracking Categories in Xero or Class in QuickBooks Online. The Non-Product ID makes it possible to post product details for non-product revenue, like labour or billable expenses.
How do I get there?
Inside ConnectWise Manage, navigate to System > Setup Tables > GL Accounts setup tale
What do I do?
1. Open a non-product revenue mapping, like the Revenue account type mapping
2. Determine a product name to associate to this kind of revenue, i.e. 'Services'
3. Enter this product name into the Non-Product ID field
4. Ensure that the appropriate Account and COGS are specified in their respective fields
The COGS is only used to create this product through the integration, and will never be impacted by this kind of revenue.
Tracking Codes are only available in the Sync Ninja, Sync Master and Mr. Miyagi Wise-Sync Plans Here's more information on Tracking Codes: Syncing Xero Tracking Categories from ConnectWise Manage to Xero Here's more information on Classes: Syncing QBO Classes from ConnectWise Manage The last segment should be titled ‘Non-Product ID’ and also have Class selected in the corresponding dropdown. This field is used so that your non-product revenue mappings still associate an item for reporting purposes.