Pre-Setup ConnectWise Expenses > Step 4: Updating GL Entries from Accounting interface

Expense Set up in Wise-Sync:Updating GL Entries from Accounting interface

You have always been able to edit a single GL Entry but you can now bulk update the GL Entries for Expenses from the Accounting Interface.

No more having to find the Expense Entry to update the entries!

You can now add a GL Account Type mapping forcing the update so the new accounts are mapped through.  

This can be really useful where you have not mapped the Expense Account types, and then you have a few hundred entries that would normally fail.

1. Click on the 'Finance'
2. Click 'Accounting Interface'

3. Click 'Unposted Expenses' Tab 

4. Click 'Actions'

5. Select 'Update GL Entries'

You are now ready to Sync your Expense.

Expenses are Now Updated in Accounting Interface, Next Step - Batch off Existing Records

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